Love Data Week/Research Data Management 101: Elements of a Data Management and Sharing Plan

Wednesday, February 9, 2022 - 12:22

Are you ready for Love Data Week (February 14 – 18)? Join us in the Lamar Soutter Library for some opportunities to love your data! 

What is Love Data Week? It’s an international celebration of research data, designed to build awareness of the importance of data management, sharing, reuse, and preservation. Love Data Week 2022 is sponsored by ICPSR, with the theme “Data is for everyone”.  

Perfecting your Biosketch: A SciENcv Workshop

Thursday, November 4, 2021 - 14:05

Are you preparing to apply for a fellowship or your first R01? Are you maybe procrastinating on your writing your Personal Statement? Have you heard about the changes to the NIH Biosketch format?

Join us at 12:30pm on November 10, 2021 for our hourlong "Perfecting your Biosketch" workshop to learn about the basics of creating a Biosketch (including the Personal Statement), the use of the NCBI tools My Bibliography and SciENcv, and the formatting changes that have recently gone into effect.

Registration is now open!

There’s a Librarian for That? How the Library Can Support Your Research

Thursday, October 7, 2021 - 11:06

Need to know if you can post a copy of your article on your personal website? There’s a librarian for that. Need to share your data to fulfill funding requirements? There’s a librarian for that. Need to get access to an article behind a paywall? There’s a librarian for that. Thinking about writing a systematic review but don’t know how to start your search? Yup, there’s a librarian for that, too. 

Join us on Wednesday October 13 at 12:00pm for a 30 minute overview to learn about all the research resources and services the Lamar Soutter Library provides.  

Get To Know: PolicyMap kmackenzie Mon, 07/26/2021 - 13:02

Are you interested in knowing which areas of Worcester have the highest rates of hypertension? Or what areas in Central Massachusetts have known environmental contamination? How about visualizing Covid-19 vaccination rates by average income levels in local neighborhoods? We have a resource for that! 

There’s a Librarian for That? How the Library Can Support Your Research

Tuesday, March 23, 2021 - 10:24

Need to know if you can post a copy of your article on your personal website? There’s a librarian for that. Need to share your data to fulfill funding requirements? There’s a librarian for that. Need to get access to an article behind a paywall? There’s a librarian for that. Thinking about writing a systematic review but don’t know how to start your search? Yup, there’s a librarian for that, too. 

Join us on Monday, March 29 at 1:00pm for a 30 minute overview to learn about all the research resources and services the Lamar Soutter Library provides.  

Live chat reference service ending

Tuesday, November 3, 2020 - 14:23

As of November 1, 2020, the Lamar Soutter Library has discontinued the live “Ask a Librarian” chat feature. But never fear! Your librarians are still available to answer your questions! Our Ask A Librarian email submission form is still available 24/7 (questions are answered Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). Librarians can also be emailed directly – find your librarian in our Staff Directory.