Library Collection Changes FY24

Friday, June 30, 2023 - 14:31

Dear Colleagues:

The combination of an average 7–9% cost increase in FY2024 to Library journal and database subscriptions, coupled with a requested 4% budget cut, make it necessary to re-evaluate our subscription purchases. The hope is that through the cancellation of lesser used titles, the library will be able to cover the inflationary cost of rising prices and meet the 4% budget reduction requirement.

Reminder: EZproxy single sign-on coming January 4

Monday, December 21, 2020 - 10:13

Reminder: your login method to EZproxy will be changing on January 4, 2021. Users with a email address will no longer be required to use their Library-issued barcode number to log in. Instead they will use their email credentials to authenticate. EZproxy users without a email address will continue to use their barcode number and password to log in.

Coming soon: EZproxy single sign-on

Monday, December 7, 2020 - 11:52

Due to popular demand, the Library will be switching the EZproxy sign-on method. Users with a email address will no longer be required to use their Library-issued barcode number to log in. Instead they will use their email credentials to authenticate. EZproxy users without a email address will continue to use their barcode number and password to log in.

This change to single sign-on will take place on January 4, 2021 at approximately 8:30 a.m. More details will follow in a later message.

Lamar Soutter Library Skills Series: Issues in Scholarly Publishing and Communication d8_admin Fri, 08/18/2017 - 14:34

This fall the Lamar Soutter Library will be offering a Skills Series for faculty and students on Issues in Scholarly Publishing and Communication. This series will provide practical guidance on topics such as: