Upcoming Webinar - Perfecting your NIH Biosketch: A SciENcv Workshop lhonor Fri, 11/03/2023 - 14:40

Tuesday, November 14, 2023 12-1pm

LSL Gives Back – ScholComm Edition

Monday, October 30, 2023 - 13:10

On October 18th, the Research & Scholarly Communications Services Department held their annual retreat. The morning was dedicated to a service project, where we had the opportunity to volunteer at the Loaves & Fishes food pantry in Devens, MA. Tess and Leah helped prepare grocery bag bundles containing the pantry basics and shelf stable components of each food pick up, while Lisa, Kris, and Robert helped sort and organize incoming donations from individuals, local food drives, and partnering supermarkets.

Introduction to Library Research Support: Start the academic year by discovering new resources for your UMass Chan success lhonor Wed, 09/13/2023 - 14:10

Join us on Wednesday, September 27, 2023 from 12-12:30pm for a Library 101 session!

New to UMass Chan or can’t remember the last time you visited the library in person or online? Come find out about all the research resources and services the Lamar Soutter Library provides. Need to access articles from a different library? Need to know if you can post a copy of your article on your personal website? Need to share your data to fulfill funding requirements? There’s a librarian for that!

Citation Manager Workshop: Zotero and Endnote

Thursday, June 15, 2023 - 16:01

Join us on Wednesday June 28th, 2023 from 12:00-1:00pm on zoom for "Citation Manager Workshop: Zotero and Endnote" 

Want to know the secret to decrease manuscript writing stress by 500%? Use a citation manager! Join Tess Grynoch and Leah Honor, the Research Data & Scholarly Communications Librarians to learn more about using two different citations managers, Zotero and Endnote, and how they can save on time and annoyance. 

There’s a Librarian for That? How the Library Can Support Your Research

Thursday, October 7, 2021 - 11:06

Need to know if you can post a copy of your article on your personal website? There’s a librarian for that. Need to share your data to fulfill funding requirements? There’s a librarian for that. Need to get access to an article behind a paywall? There’s a librarian for that. Thinking about writing a systematic review but don’t know how to start your search? Yup, there’s a librarian for that, too. 

Join us on Wednesday October 13 at 12:00pm for a 30 minute overview to learn about all the research resources and services the Lamar Soutter Library provides.  

eScholarship@UMMS Tops 2 Million Downloads!

Tuesday, February 11, 2020 - 14:50

eScholarship@UMMS, UMass Medical School’s digital repository and publishing system for scholarly publications authored by the University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS) community, reached a significant milestone when it topped 2 million downloads on February 3, 2020. We are grateful to our UMMS authors, whose open access materials reach users in 225 countries.