Have you viewed your Author Dashboard in your eScholarship@UMMS account? The Author Dashboard is a personalized reporting tool for authors with works published in eScholarship@UMMS. As an author, you can easily access your dashboard to view up-to-date download information for your works, as well as a global readership distribution map and other metrics. This data can be shared or exported. Consider using the Author Dashboard data to enhance your annual evaluation or promotion and tenure package!
To access your dashboard, click on the "Visit My Dashboard" link in the monthly email you receive from eScholarship@UMMS with the subject line “Your Latest Readership Report from eScholarship@UMMS.” Or, log into your eScholarship@UMMS account (click on the My Account tab at http://escholarship.umassmed.edu) and click Author Dashboard in the Dashboard Tools section.
Some tips:
- The dashboard will open up to the Readership Distribution page with a map at the top. Click the date range in the upper right of the page under your name to select “All Time” or the desired date range.
- The Readership Distribution map can’t be exported, but you can take a screen capture of it for inclusion in reports. It’s a great way to show global impact.
- Click the download clusters on the Readership Distribution Map to zoom in for a more granular view and see details of downloaded works.
- The data in the Institutions, Countries and Referrers sections can be exported as csv files.
- Click on the chart button in the upper left under the globe button to view Usage Reports. This will show total number of Downloads over time (click on the “Include additional files” checkbox to ensure that downloads of supplemental files are included in the count), Metadata Page Hits, and download counts for each work. This section is sorted by number of downloads in descending order to identify your most popular works and can be exported to a csv file.
You can read more about the Author Dashboard tool at https://www.bepress.com/reference_guide_dc/author-dashboard/, or consult Lisa Palmer (lisa.palmer@umassmed.edu).