Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Journals Agreement

Friday, February 2, 2024 - 11:24

New Read & Publish Agreement Signed!

We’re excited to announce that the Library has signed a Read & Publish agreement with Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Journals (CSHLP). The agreement provides five opportunities for UMass Chan corresponding authors to publish their manuscripts open access in the following CSHLP titles, without any article process charges (APCs):

Upcoming Webinar - Perfecting your NIH Biosketch: A SciENcv Workshop lhonor Fri, 11/03/2023 - 14:40

Tuesday, November 14, 2023 12-1pm

R Café September Gathering

Friday, September 15, 2023 - 14:18

The next R Café gathering will take place on Friday, September 29 from 12-1pm on Zoom. Registration is now open!

Curious about R and would like to learn more? Have you started learning R and would like to meet other R users at UMass Chan? You're invited to the UMass Chan R Café! During these gatherings, there will be presentations on specific R libraries, tools, and concepts and time to work on your own projects and ask questions of the group. No prior experience with R required.

Introduction to Library Research Support: Start the academic year by discovering new resources for your UMass Chan success lhonor Wed, 09/13/2023 - 14:10

Join us on Wednesday, September 27, 2023 from 12-12:30pm for a Library 101 session!

New to UMass Chan or can’t remember the last time you visited the library in person or online? Come find out about all the research resources and services the Lamar Soutter Library provides. Need to access articles from a different library? Need to know if you can post a copy of your article on your personal website? Need to share your data to fulfill funding requirements? There’s a librarian for that!