Monday, July 16, 2018 - 16:53

To ensure optimal security Ovid recommends that users update their web browsers. This is a good idea for all library resources and web pages. To accomplish this, please make sure you are meeting or exceeding the browser requirements listed below:

•   Chrome version 30 or greater
•   Internet Explorer version 9 or greater. For versions 9-10, TLS 1.2 is disabled by default so you will need to enable it in the browser settings if this hasn’t already been done
•   Microsoft Edge: All versions are compliant
•   Firefox version 24 or greater. For versions 24-26, TLS 1.2 is disabled by default so you will need to enable it in the browser settings if this hasn’t already been done.
•   Safari version 7 or greater
•   Safari mobile 5 or greater

Please feel free to contact Penny Glassman ( if you have any questions.