Lamar Soutter Library (LSL) has returned to full membership in the Boston Library Consortium (BLC), a collaborative consortium of 18 academic and research library members from New England. This partnership provides innovative and cost-effective access to shared information resources, services, and expertise that allow its member libraries to best serve the teaching, research, and scholarship needs of their parent institutions.
LSL has also begun a membership as a Serials Retention Partner in the Eastern Academic Scholars' Trust (EAST). EAST is a shared print initiative involving academic and research libraries and has 60 members in 11 states from Maine to Florida. The Trust is focused on retaining unique, scarcely held and frequently used scholarly monographs and serials (journals, series, etc.) in support of scholarship, research, and teaching. As a retention partner LSL will contribute financial support to EAST, participate in serials collection analysis and commit to retain agreed upon titles in the local collections and make these titles available to other EAST members.
With LSL being a member of both the BLC and EAST, the UMMS community will have access to a wide range of academic and scholarly resources through the library’s interlibrary loan and document delivery programs.