About This Site

This web site was created as a permanent tribute to the University of Massachusetts Medical School's founding Dean, Dr. Lamar Soutter. Gael Evans, Judy Nordberg, and Robert Vander Hart of the Lamar Soutter Library were compilers of the site.

Library Display Case
Source: UMass Multimedia Technology Group/I.S.

The Lamar Soutter Library's Display Case Subcommittee installed the original display in the foyer case outside the library in July 2003 (photo above). Parts of this larger display are now permanently housed inside the library (photo below) in recognition of Dr. Soutter's devotion to the creation of the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Gael Evans and Spiro Efstathiou of the Lamar Soutter Library were responsible for the permanent display.

Lamar Soutter Display Inside the Library
Source: File photo, Lamar Soutter Library

Permissions for all photographs used on this web site are on file in the Lamar Soutter Library.