Look How Far We've Come: (and How We Got Started)

Celebrating the History of UMass Medical School, 1970 - 2009

Panelists, l-r: J. Barry Hanshaw, M.D., Allan Jacobson, PhD, H. Maurice Goodman, PhD, Susan Gagliardi, PhD, H. Brownell Wheeler, M.D., and John Sullivan, M.D.


The following panelists spoke at the UMass Medical School Lamar Soutter Library American Archives Month 2009 conference:

Introductory remarks by Ellen More, PhD:

Remarks by John Sullivan, M.D.:

Remarks by H. Brownell Wheeler, M.D.:

Remarks by Susan Gagliardi, PhD:

Remarks by Maurice Goodman, PhD:

Remarks by Allan Jacobson, PhD:

Remarks by Barry Hanshaw, M.D.:

Remarks by Linda Pape, M.D.:

Presentation of plaque to Dr. Wheeler:

Closing Remarks by Ellen More, PhD:

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