The National Library of Medicine released their newest version of My Bibliography yesterday, May 1, 2019. My Bibliography is an application to help you organize citations from your publications and assist eRA Commons users with managing publication or product compliance with the NIH Public Access Policy. Explanations about the new streamlined interface can be found in NLM’s Technical Bulletin, including information for eRA Commons users.
We have noticed that My Bibliography is now pulling in articles listed in the user’s ORCID account if the accounts are linked. We are currently investigating options to control this display and deduplicate these articles from the articles previously added to My Bibliography. For more information about ORCID, please visit our Research Impact Resource Guide.
Please contact a member of the Research and Scholarly Communications Services Team (Sally Gore, Lisa Palmer, or Tess Grynoch) regarding any questions about the new My Bibliography, the NIH Public Access Policy, or ORCID. To reach a team member by phone, please contact the library front desk at 508-856-6099 and they will be able to redirect your call.