Access for UMCCTS Members to Member Libraries

Members of UMass Center for Clinical and Translational Science are eligible to apply for access to the library resources of UMass Boston, UMass Lowell, UMass Chan Medical School and WPI. Each institution has its own application process, detailed below.

UMass Boston | Joseph P. Healey Library

To access UMass Boston library resources remotely, UMCCTS members must obtain a UMass Boston network ID and password. Please visit and fill out the following forms:

Once the forms have been completed, mail, fax or email them to:

Ivelisse Caraballo
University of Massachusetts Boston
Joseph P. Healey Library 04/029
100 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02125
Phone: 617-287-6175 | Fax: 617-287-5955

UMass Lowell | Lydon Library, O’Leary Library, Center for Lowell History

UMCCTS members may apply for direct borrowing privileges from UMass Lowell as well as access to electronic resources by submitting the registration form. Account information will be emailed within 1-2 business days of eligibility verification. Registration page:

UMass Chan Medical School | Lamar Soutter Library

UMCCTS members can borrow items (excluding medical equipment and electronics such as laptops) from the Lamar Soutter Library, as well as access our online resources remotely. Fill out and submit this form: You will receive an email confirmation when your account has been activated.

WPI | George C. Gordon Library

UMass students and faculty can borrow materials directly from WPI provided they have a current valid school ID. Users can access the majority of WPI electronic resources as guest users. Present a valid ID to the staff member at the Library Information Desk to gain access to computers under a guest account. There is currently no remote access being offered to WPI electronic resources.

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact: