Friday, August 18, 2017 - 14:34
This fall the Lamar Soutter Library will be offering a Skills Series for faculty and students on Issues in Scholarly Publishing and Communication. This series will provide practical guidance on topics such as:
- identifying and selecting appropriate publication venues (and avoiding so-called predatory publishers);
- understanding the NIH Public Access Policy requirements and utilizing NCBI compliance tools;
- sharing research in venues other than journals--such as pre-print servers or repositories—and managing your copyright as you do so;
- using ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) and other tools to manage your professional identity;
- tracking the impact of your scholarship through traditional and new metrics.
Join us in the library for these one-hour, practical, lunchtime sessions on navigating the scholarly publishing and communication landscape! This series will take place every third Friday throughout the fall term from noon to 1 PM in the Library’s computer classroom, beginning on September 15. Sessions are open to faculty and students; attendees are welcome to any or all sessions!