How It Works

1. Getting Started:

  • Provide contextual information about your intended use
  • Describe how your intended use relates to each of the four fair use factors
  • Indicate how “fair” you feel your use is for each of the factors (based on the description & criteria you have provided) [getting help with criteria]

2. The Fair Use Evaluator:

3. Provide Additional Information: [Recommended]

  • Add any other mitigating circumstances or information that you feel is important (or, if you determine your use is not fair, exit the tool)

4. Get a Hard or Electronic Copy:

  • The Fair Use Evaluator will collate and publish a time-stamped PDF of your "Fair Use Evaluation" (using the information you've provided).

5. How to Use your Analysis:

  • Share your analysis with colleagues, a librarian, or a copyright specialist for comment or to validate your results.
  • Keep a copy for your files. [why is this important?]


Click here to see our statement of privacy
Click here to learn how to modify this tool for use at your own institution

For further information about Copyright Support at UMass Medical School, see the Copyright Resources LibGuide. If you'd like to provide feedback on this tool or seek non-legal assistance with "fair use" or other copyright questions, please contact Barbara Ingrassia or call 508-856-1041. Access our privacy statement.